Facebook supports 12 photos up to 4MB or a video up to 1000MB. Videos must be shorter than 20 minutes. Supported files include: images (jpg, jpeg, gif*, png, tiff, tif) or videos (3g2, 3gp, 3gpp, asf, avi, dat, divx, dv, f4v, flv, m2ts, m4v, mkv, mod, mov, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpeg4, mpg, mts, nsv, ogm, ogv, qt, tod, ts, vob, wmv).
X/Twitter supports up to 4 photos up to 5MB each, a single animated GIF up to 15MB, or a video between 0.5-140 seconds (up to 15MB). Additionally, video aspect ratio must be 1:3 or 3:1 and no larger than 1280x1024. Supported files include: images (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, webp) or videos (mp4, mpeg4, mov).
Instagram supports up to 10 images or videos. Images must be less than 8MB. Videos must be less than 100MB, and shorter than 15 minutes. All videos less than 15 minutes will be published as Reels. Only vertical videos between 5-90 seconds will appear in the Reels tab. Reels must be at least 3 seconds long.
Additionally, image aspect ratio must be within a 4:5 to 1.91:1 range with a minimum resolution of 150x150 to max resolution of 1920x1080. (To calculate the aspect ratio of an image or video, take the resolution and divide the width by the height.) Instagram requires all videos to have a bitrate/data rate of 5 Mbps maximum. Supported files include: images (jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, gif*) or videos (mov, mp4, or mpeg4).
*Please note: Animated .gif files are only supported as hosted links on Facebook (Instagram doesn't currently support). These must be attached to a post like any other link. Uploading a .gif as a photo attachment will result in a still image (on Facebook and Instagram).
YouTube supports 1 video with a maximum file size of 256GB.
- 9:16 orientation (vertical video)
- Less than 60 seconds in length
- If the uploaded video meets these requirements, it will automatically publish to the “Shorts” section
LinkedIn supports up to 9 images up to 5MB each or a video up to 5GB. For an image update post, it’s recommended to have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and resolution of 1200 x 628. Supported files include: images (jpg, png) or videos (asf, flv, h264/avc, mp4, mpeg, mpeg4, mkv, vp8, vp9, webm, wmv2, wmv3).
TikTok supports the following media formats: MP4 (recommended), WebM and MOV with a maximum size restriction of 4GB. Picture size restrictions are a minimum of 360 pixels and maximum of 4096 pixels for both height and width.
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