"Draft" is a Publishing Option that allows users to create an un-published post and save it in a drafted state until it's ready for publishing. All users with Publisher permissions and access to any social accounts can create, view or edit a draft post.
To save a post as a draft, open the Post Composer and fill out the necessary fields for your post. Click the down arrow next to the pink Post Now button from the bottom left and select Save as Draft.
All posts saved as drafts are added to the Pending Drafts stream and ready for review.
To open the Pending Drafts stream, click the pink Add to Dashboard button and select "Pending Drafts". Choose an account(s) to review a Draft post.
Each draft post will show its assigned account, who drafted the post and a quick preview. Click the plus button to expand more of the post, or select the 3-dot menu to Post Now, Edit/Schedule or Delete the post.
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